The Dead Sea is known worldwide for its great concentration of salt. This sea has an approximate of 45000 tons of salt that contains a variety of natural earth minerals.
The sea salt and mud are 100% natural. These are the 9 steps to enjoy your vacation to this place:
Take a picture while floating on the surface of the water
Did you know that because of the high concentration of salt it is almost impossible to sink in its waters?
Try this when you visit this sea and take a picture while floating. Floating is also the best way to allow your body absorb the very vital minerals that are contained in the salts in these waters.
Some of the minerals that your body will absorb while you are floating are calcium, which is very vital in bone and teeth strengthening, and potassium, which helps in muscular activity, maintain high moisture levels in the skin and heals acne.
Bath in the mud along the shores of the sea
If you don't enjoy a lot of swimming, you can choose to bathe in the mud which is just on the seashore, apply the mud on your entire body and then take around 10 minutes before you wash them off.
This will allow time for you to absorb the natural Dead Sea minerals that are highly concentrated in the mud.
These minerals heal all kinds of diseases beginning with skin diseases such as Psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, eczema and dandruff; they also treat rheumatic diseases like arthritis and fibromyalgia and even Crohn's disease.
Collect Dead Sea Salt deposit for Souvenirs
You can decide to collect the dead sea salt and travel back home with them. The salts will act as a reminder on the time you visited this great sea, you can also show it to your friends to encourage them to also take a trip to this life changing place.
Experience the greasy feel of the Dead Sea water
Swimming in this sea is a new experience altogether, it's not like swimming anywhere else. The high concentration of salt makes it have a nice greasy feeling while swimming in the waters.
As you enjoy this feeling, your skin will interact with the natural minerals in these salts that will rejuvenate your skin giving it ability to replenish itself hence gaining a new look.
Enjoy the SPA
Visit the spa around the lake. These spa use products made of the natural minerals that have soothing qualities and will keep the level of moisture in your skin replacing any lost moisture.
Use the mud to do a facial scrub
You can apply the Sea mud on your face and allow it to take ground for 20 minutes before washing it off.
The minerals in this mud will rejuvenate your facial skin, removing the dead skin cells leaving your face with a glow.
Enjoy the hair treatments
You can decide to visit the hair treatments places around the sea that use products made of the Dead Sea mineral.
This hair treatment will restore and fully moisturize your scalp, leaving your hair flexible, moisturized and beautiful hair.
Take a walk while barefoot on the shores of the Sea
Take a 45 minutes' walk on the seashore stepping continuously in the mud while barefoot.
This will shed off any dead skin cells on your feet and give your feet a soft and tender touch.
Lie for a short nap at the seashore during the day
The beneficial Dead Sea minerals are also in the sunlight, as you allow the rays of the sun in this place to warm your boy you partake of these natural minerals that will activate your immune and hormonal system.
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