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Naturally Blog — Why Dead Sea Salty?

10 Astonishing Dead Sea Facts You Never Knew – #7 Will Surprise You!

10 Astonishing Dead Sea Facts You Never Knew – #7 Will Surprise You!

health treatments psoriasis psoriasis to arthritis The Dead Sea Why Dead Sea salty?

The Dead Sea is a unique place on earth and it has been around since millions of years ago. Several historical figures have had ties with the famous body of water. Cleopatra was said to be the first to build cosmetic factories around the area, and King Herod had also written about its benefits. Even Aristotle’s writings were filled with praises for the remarkable water. Rumor has it that the true baptismal site of Jesus of Nazareth is at the western bank of Jordan (Qasr el Yahud), just a few kilometres to the north. Here are ten interesting facts about...

Why Is the Dead Sea So Salty? Here's What You Need to Know

Why Is the Dead Sea So Salty? Here's What You Need to Know

salinity of the Dead Sea source for mineral salts Why Dead Sea Salty?

For hundreds of decades, the Dead Sea has remained the saltiest water mass on Earth. In this post, we are not going to dispute that fact. Rather, we will attempt to answer vital questions that involve this unique phenomenon. If you are a sea salt addict, you will agree that extracts from the Dead Sea account for the largest chunk of what you may be using as a food addictive. Not only that, the lake is also a rich source of a healing mud and other mineral compounds. Take a walk around and visit some of the best cosmetic stores...