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Naturally Blog — What is Myrrh

Myrrh: The Ancient Spice with Surprising Health Benefits

Myrrh: The Ancient Spice with Surprising Health Benefits

Dead Sea products Frankincense Myrrh myrrh feh myrrh in the bible What is Myrrh

Myrrh, like Frankincense, is a small tree or shrub and grows in the hot arid climate around the Red Sea in south west Asia and north east Africa. The tree is also cultivated in a similar manner whereby incisions are made in the bark and a golden brown stickyΒ gum is secreted.Β The resinΒ gum is then scraped off, allowed to dry and turns into "brown tears". Β  Β  Many other similarities can be seen between Frankincense and Myrrh. Both were extensively traded along the same ancient routes from southern Arabia to the ports of the eastern Mediterranean and have many uses for...