Naturally Blog
Dead Sea Mud Mask vs Charcoal Mask: Which One is Right for Your Skin?
Dead Sea Mud Mask vs Charcoal Mask
Dead Sea Mud Mask vs Charcoal Mask: Which One is Right for Your Skin?
Facial masks took the cosmetic industry by storm. And they are made of many ingredients and different formulas. However, the dead sea mud and charcoal mask stand out in the market due to their benefits and effects
Discover the Amazing Benefits of Dead Sea Mud Masks
appearance of eczema Dead Sea Mud Mask Benefits
While some people might, at first, bulk at the idea of rubbing mud onto their faces and bodies, they’ll probably change their minds once they find out just how beneficial this silt, which collects at the bottom of mountains after having traveled down their slopes, can be for not just skin, but mental well-being, circulation and general health. Many studies have been carried out to try and pinpoint exactly what it is about the mud that provides all these fantastic benefits, but the truth is, there are far too many vital minerals in it to be able to definitively spot...
5 Proven Strategies for Protecting Your Cells from Radiation Damage
how much radiation does a cell phone give off Radiation damage to your cells radiation on cells
5 Proven Strategies for Protecting Your Cells from Radiation Damage
Radiation is everywhere on these days. In fact, the human body is also a source of some doses of radiation. But the most outstanding thing is that accumulating it may start damaging your cells. So, what can you do to protect them?
Step By Step Guide: How to Walk on the Dead Sea without Harm
Dead Sea waters How to Walk on the Dead Sea salt concentration swimming in the dead sea
Step By Step Guide: How to Walk on the Dead Sea without Harm
Walking on water is not humanly possible unless you can fly. Thus, there is no doubt that if someone says you can do it, it would probably go down as the craziest prank you ever heard. However, as nature would have it, millions of people from around the world visiting the Dead Sea say it is possible to walk on water.
How Much Salt In The Dead Sea?
Does the dead sea have salt How much salt in the Dead Sea
One of the main features of the dead sea is the level of salinity to the point that it contains the second highest amount of salt in a water body Hence, it is not strange that many people try to find accurate information about it. On top of that, the salt there is also rich in minerals and nutrients all of which are related to the amount of salt it has. Dead Sea lake Formation The Dead Sea is a body of salty water surrounded by the regions of Israel and Jordan, being the Jordan River the main supplier. Although...